G-structures for black hole near-horizon geometries

Year: 2024

Authors: Legramandi A., Macpherson NT., Passias A.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Trento, Pitaevskii BEC Ctr, INO, CNR, I-38123 Trento, Italy; Univ Trento, Dipartimento Fis, I38123, Trento, Italy; Trento Inst Fundamental Phys & Applicat, INFN, TIFPA, Trento, Italy; Univ Oviedo, Dept Phys, Avda Feder Garcia Lorca S-N, Oviedo 33007, Spain; Inst Univ Ciencias & Tecnol Espaci Asturias ICTEA, Calle Independencia 13, Oviedo 33004, Spain; Sorbonne Univ, UPMC Paris 06, UMR 7589, LPTHE, F-75005 Paris, France.

Abstract: We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for warped AdS2 solutions of Type II supergravity to preserve N = 1 supersymmetry, in terms of bispinors. Such solutions generically support an SU(3)-structure on their internal manifold M8, which can experience an enhancement to a G2-structure. We perform an SU(3)-structure torsion classes analysis and express the fluxes and other physical fields in terms of these, in general. We use our results to derive two new classes of AdS2 solutions. In (massive) Type IIA supergravity we derive an N = 1 supersymmetric class for which M8 decomposes as a weak G2-manifold foliated over an interval and which is locally defined in terms of a degree three polynomial. In Type IIB supergravity we find a class of AdS2 × S2 × CY2 × Σ2 solutions preserving small N = 4 supersymmetry, governed by a harmonic function on Σ2 and partial differential equations reminiscent of D3-D7-brane configurations.


Volume: (6)      Pages from: 56-1  to: 56-41

More Information: We thank Yolanda Lozano, Carlos Nunez and Alessandro Tomasiello for comments on a draft of this work. We also thank Alessandro Tomasiello for several illuminating discussions during this project. The work of NM is supported by the Ramon y Cajal fellowship RYC2021-033794-I, and by grants from the Spanish government MCIU-22-PID2021-123021NB-I00 and principality of Asturias SV-PA-21-AYUD/2021/52177. The work of AP was funded, in whole, by ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) of France under contract number ANR-22-ERCS-0009-01. AL acknowledges support from Provincia Autonoma di Trento and by Q@TN, the joint lab between University of Trento. This project has received funding from European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 804305).
KeyWords: AdS-CFT Correspondence; Black Holes in String Theory; Flux Compactifications
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2024)056

Citations: 1
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