Complex photonic systems with external control: From optical NTC resistance to tunable random laser action
Year: 2003
Authors: Wiersma D.S., Sapienza R., Gottardo S., Cavalieri S., Mujumdar S., Aliev F.
Autors Affiliation: European Lab. Nonlinear Spectroscopy, Natl. Inst. for the Phys. of Matter, Sesto-Fiorentino (Florence), Italy; Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Abstract: We will discuss the transport of optical waves in complex photonic systems. In particular we will go into the possibilities of tuning complex optical devices via liquid crystal infiltration. Tuning of ordered systems like photonic bandgap crystals is being exploited in various ways. We will discuss the possibilities that disordered dielectrics offer. As a special example we will discuss the tunable random laser. ©2002 Optical Society of America.
Conference title:
More Information: APS/Division of Laser Science; IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society; Optical Society of AmericaKeyWords: Energy gap; Laser tuning; Liquid crystal displays; Photons; Dielectric materials; Laser beams; Liquid crystals; Quantum electronics, Photonic systems; Tunable random laser, Crystals; Tuning, Disordered dielectrics; External control; Liquid crystal infiltration; Optical waves; Ordered systems; Photonic bandgap crystals; Photonic systems; Tunable random laserDOI: 10000000000