Near- and mid-infrared laser-sensors for atmospheric gas analysis
Year: 2002
Authors: Werle P.W., Maurer K., Kormann R., Slemr F., Mücke R., Jänker B.
Autors Affiliation: Inst. Meteorology and Climate Res., Research Center Karlsruhe, Haidestr. 4, D-82438 Eschenlohe, Germany
Abstract: Laser-optical sensors are applied whenever sensitive, selective and fast in-situ gas analysis is required. This contribution illustrates the performance of selected near- and mid-infrared spectrometers based on tunable diode-lasers. Applications of lead-salt diode-lasers for NO2 and CH4 sensing, of antimonide lasers for CH4 and HCHO sensing in the 3-4 µm range and a near-infrared gas sensor for CO2 based on a room temperature 2 µm Indium-Phosphide laser will be presented and spectrometer performance will be discussed.
Conference title:
KeyWords: Semiconductor lasers, Atmospheric gas analysis; Laser sensors; Trace gas detection, Optical sensorsDOI: 10.1117/12.451422