Optical measurements and testing laboratory
Responsible: Greco Vincenzo E-mail: vincenzo.greco@ino.itSubstitute: Sordini Andrea E-mail: andrea.sordini@ino.itActivity description
One of the classical subjects of research that have characterized INO since its foundation (1930) is quality testing of optical components and systems. In this area INO has produced outstanding results in the past (particularly the so-called “Ronchi test”) and is still active with advanced research. In the course of the years the laboratory has constituted a patrimony of resources that regard in particular the absolute measurement of the geometrical form, developing competences and maintaining operative capabilities to the state of the art. With the aim of giving value to the resources owned and making them available to industries and institutions, in the spirit of its mission and on the line of its research tradition, INO has recently constituted a metrology room accessible to external users.
Other detailed information are available here

Workstation for quality testing of optical systems.

Height map of an optical flat, diameter 100 mm, surface error 10 nm peak-to-valley.