Projects with European funding active in 2024 amount to EUR 4.285.560,61
1) Advancing shock ignition for direct-drive inertial fusion (Advancing shock ignition for direct-drive inertial) funded for an amount of EUR 0,00 End date 2024-03-31
2) Short-range optical Quantum Connections (ShoQC) funded for an amount of EUR 166.291,66 End date 2024-05-31
3) Single‐photon sources as new quantum standards (SEQUME) funded for an amount of EUR 100.000,00 End date 2024-05-31
4) Restoring cardiac mechanical function by polymeric artificial muscular tissue (REPAIR) funded for an amount of EUR 295.000,00 End date 2024-08-31
5) European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase (E-RIHS IP) funded for an amount of EUR 115.090,23 End date 2024-09-30
6) Extreme Optical Nonlinearities in 2D materials for Far-Infrared Photonics (EXTREME-IR) funded for an amount of EUR 140.000,00 End date 2025-02-28
7) Shortcuts to Adiabaticity for Quantum Computation and Simulation (STAQS) funded for an amount of EUR 245.024,41 End date 2025-05-31
8) Quantum Laser-based Multi-parametric Portable Sensors (Q-LAMPS) funded for an amount of EUR 700.000,00 End date 2025-07-07
9) Advanced, Disruptive and Emerging QUAntum technologies for DEfence (ADEQUADE) funded for an amount of EUR 1.439.870,00 End date 2025-12-21
10) Two-orbital quantum many-body systems: from Kondo dynamics to mediated interactions (OrbiDynaMIQs) funded for an amount of EUR 96.045,56 End date 2026-04-30
11) Covert and Advanced multi-modal Sensor Systems for tArget acquisiTion and reconnaissance (CASSATA) funded for an amount of EUR 988.238,75 End date 2026-12-01