2) False vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids in NATURE PHYSICSBy: Zenesini A., Berti A., Cominotti R., Rogora C., Moss IG., Billam TP., Carusotto I., Lamporesi G., Recati A., Ferrari G. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02345-4)
3) Monte Carlo matrix-product-state approach to the false vacuum decay in the monitored quantum Ising chain in SCIPOST PHYSICSBy: Maki JA., Berti A., Carusotto I., Biella A. Year: 2023 (Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.4.152)
4) Topological two-particle dynamics in a periodically driven lattice model with on-site interactions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Berti A.; Carusotto I. Year: 2022 (Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.023329)
5) Superradiant phononic emission from the analog spin ergoregion in a two-component Bose–Einstein condensate in COMPTES RENDUS PHYSIQUEBy: Berti A., Giacomelli L., Carusotto I. Year: 2023 (Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.5802/crphys.145)