
TEN Papers with more Citations by Nocentini Sara

1) Photonic Microhand with Autonomous Action in ADVANCED MATERIALS
By: Martella D., Nocentini S., Nuzhdin D., Parmeggiani C., Wiersma D. Year: 2017 (Cit.: 145 DOI: 10.1002/adma.201704047)

2) Optically Driven Soft Micro Robotics in ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
By: Nocentini S., Parmeggiani C., Martella D., Wiersma D. Year: 2018 (Cit.: 132 DOI: 10.1002/adom.201800207)

3) Optically controlled elastic microcavities in LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS
By: Flatae A. M., Burresi M., Zeng H., Nocentini S., Wiegele S., Parmeggiani C., Kalt H., Wiersma D. Year: 2015 (Cit.: 62 DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2015.55)

4) Self-Regulating Capabilities in Photonic Robotics in ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES
By: Martella D., Nocentini S., Parmeggiani C., Wiersma D.S. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 62 DOI: 10.1002/admt.201800571)

5) Three-Dimensional Photonic Circuits in Rigid and Soft Polymers Tunable by Light in ACS PHOTONICS
By: Nocentini S., Riboli F., Burresi M., Martella D., Parmeggiani C., Wiersma D. Year: 2018 (Cit.: 58 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00461)

6) Structured Optical Materials Controlled by Light in ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
By: Nocentini S., Martella D., Parmeggiani C., Zanotto S., Wiersma D. Year: 2018 (Cit.: 55 DOI: 10.1002/adom.201800167)

7) Light activated non-reciprocal motion in liquid crystalline networks by designed microactuator architecture in RSC ADVANCES
By: Martella D., Antonioli D., Nocentini S., Wiersma D.S., Galli G., Laus M., Parmeggiani C. Year: 2017 (Cit.: 55 DOI: 10.1039/c7ra03224b)

8) Beam steering by liquid crystal elastomer fibres in SOFT MATTER
By: Nocentini S., Martella D., Wiersma D., Parmeggiani C. Year: 2017 (Cit.: 48 DOI: 10.1039/c7sm02063e)

9) 3D Printed Photoresponsive Materials for Photonics in ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
By: Nocentini Sara; Martella Daniele; Parmeggiani Camilla; Wiersma Diederik S. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 45 DOI: 10.1002/adom.201900156)

10) Polarization-dependent deformation in light responsive polymers doped by dichroic dyes in SOFT MATTER
By: Martella D., Nocentini S., Micheletti F., Wiersma D., Parmeggiani C. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 38 DOI: 10.1039/c8sm01954a)