
TEN Papers with more Citations by Baldanzi Elisabetta

1) Broadening of CH3F in presence of Stark fields. II. Collisional coupling between the Stark components in JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
By: Lemaire V., Dore L., Cazzoli G., Buffa G., Tarrini O., Baldanzi E., Belli S. Year: 1999 (Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1063/1.478906)

2) Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity under monochromatic yellow light in Nuovo Cimento C-Colloquia and Communications in Physics
By: Baldanzi E., Grasso PA., Gori C., Gurioli M., Tommasi F., Farini A. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 0 DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2024-24329-y)

3) Exploring the Effects of LED-Based Visible Light Communication on Reading and Color Perception in Indoor Environments: An Experimental Study in SENSORS
By: Caputo Stefano; Mucchi Lorenzo; Comparetto Regina; D’Antoni Vittoria; Farini Alessandro; Orsi Valentina; Baldanzi Elisabetta Year: 2023 (Cit.: 0 DOI: 10.3390/s23062949)

4) Chromatic sensitivity and tinted lenses: A preliminary study with the CAD test in Nuovo Cimento C-Colloquia and Communications in Physics
By: Natali L.; Farini A.; Baldanzi E.; Barbur J.L. Year: 2023 (Cit.: 0 DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2023-23172-0)