BackAuthor: Parigi Valentina Category: Papers Journals 1) Experimental realization of creation and annihilation operators and direct proof of the bosonic commutation relation in NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA’ ITALIANA DI FISICA B – Basic Topics in Physics By: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2010 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1393/ncb/i2010-10841-3)
2) Implementation of single-photon creation and annihilation operators: Experimental issues in their application to thermal states of light in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Parigi V., Zavatta A., Bellini M. Year: 2009 (Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/42/11/114005)
3) Experimental demonstration of the bosonic commutation relation via superpositions of quantum operations on thermal light fields in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Kim M.S., Jeong H., Bellini M. Year: 2009 (Cit.: 121 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.140406)
4) The weird math of photon subtraction in OPTICS AND PHOTONICS NEWSBy: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Kim M.S., Bellini M. Year: 2009 (Cit.: 0)
5) Manipulating thermal light states by the controlled addition and subtraction of single photons in LASER PHYSICS LETTERSBy: Parigi V., Zavatta A., Bellini M. Year: 2008 (Cit.: 19 DOI: 10.1002/lapl.200710119)
6) Experimental determination of a nonclassical Glauber-Sudarshan P function in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Kiesel T., Vogel W., Parigi V., Zavatta A., Bellini M. Year: 2008 (Cit.: 84 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.021804)
7) Toward quantum frequency combs: Boosting the generation of highly nonclassical light states by cavity-enhanced parametric down-conversion at high repetition rates in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2008 (Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.033809)
8) Subtracting photons from arbitrary light fields: Experimental test of coherent state invariance by single-photon annihilation in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Kim M. S., Bellini M. Year: 2008 (Cit.: 73 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/10/12/123006)
9) Scheme for proving the bosonic commutation relation using single-photon interference in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Kim M. S., Jeong H., Zavatta A., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2008 (Cit.: 87 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.260401)
10) Experimental nonclassicality of single-photon-added thermal light states in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2007 (Cit.: 225 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.052106)
11) Probing quantum commutation rules by addition and subtraction of single photons to/from a light field in SCIENCEBy: Parigi V., Zavatta A., Kim M., Bellini M. Year: 2007 (Cit.: 373 DOI: 10.1126/science.1146204)
12) Remotely prepared single-photon time-encoded ebits: Homodyne tomography characterization in JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICSBy: D’Angelo M., Zavatta A., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2006 (Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1080/09500340600895342)
13) Remote preparation of arbitrary time-encoded single-photon ebits in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Zavatta A., D’Angelo M., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2006 (Cit.: 59 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.020502)
14) Two-mode homodyne tomography of time-encoded single-photon ebits in LASER PHYSICSBy: Zavatta A., D’Angelo M., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2006 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X06110028)
15) Tomographic test of Bella in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: D’Angelo M., Zavatta A., Parigi V., Bellini M. Year: 2006 (Cit.: 32 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.74.052114)