2) Nonlinear Generation of Vector Beams From AlGaAs Nanoantennas in NANO LETTERSBy: Camacho-Morales R., Rahmani M., Kruk S., Wang L., Xu L., Smirnova D. A., Solntsev A. S., Miroshnichenko A., Hoe Tan H., Karouta F., Naureen S., Vora K., Carletti L., De Angelis C., Jagadish C., Kivshar Y. S., Neshev D. N. Year: 2016 (Cit.: 237 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b03525)
3) Monolithic AlGaAs second-harmonic nanoantennas in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Gili V. F. , Carletti L., Locatelli A., Rocco D., Finazzi M., Ghirardini L., Favero I., Gomez C., Lemaître A., Celebrano M., De Angelis C., Leo G. Year: 2016 (Cit.: 200 DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.015965)
4) Enhanced second-harmonic generation from magnetic resonance in AlGaAs nanoantennas in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Carletti L., Locatelli A., Stepanenko O., Leo G., De Angelis C. Year: 2015 (Cit.: 182 DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.026544)
5) High-harmonic generation at the nanoscale boosted by bound states in the continuum in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHBy: Carletti L., Kruk SS., Bogdanov AA., De Angelis C., Kivshar Y. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 106 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.1.023016)
6) Shaping the Radiation Pattern of Second-Harmonic Generation from AIGaAs Dielectric Nanoantennas in ACS PHOTONICSBy: Carletti L., Locatelli A., Neshev D., De Angelis C. Year: 2016 (Cit.: 88 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00050)
7) Silicon Metasurfaces for Third Harmonic Geometric Phase Manipulation and Multiplexed Holography in NANO LETTERSBy: Reineke B., Sain B., Zhao RZ., Carletti L., Liu BY., Huang LL., De Angelis C., Zentgraf T. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 83 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02844)
8) Plasmon-free SERS detection of environmental CO2 on TiO2 surfaces in NANOSCALEBy: Bontempi N., Carletti L., De Angelis C., Alessandri I. Year: 2016 (Cit.: 72 DOI: 10.1039/c5nr08380j)
9) Near-unity third-harmonic circular dichroism driven by a quasibound state in the continuum in asymmetric silicon metasurfaces in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Gandolfi M., Tognazzi A., Rocco D., De Angelis C., Carletti L. Year: 2021 (Cit.: 58 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.104.023524)
10) Second harmonic generation in monolithic lithium niobate metasurfaces in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Carletti L., Li C., Sautter J., Staude I., De Angelis C., Li T., Neshev DN. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 51 DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.033391)