Optical recording in Rb loaded-porous glass by reversible photoinduced phase transformations

Anno: 2008

Autori: Burchianti A., Bogi A., Marinelli C., Mariotti E., Moi L.

Affiliazione autori: CNISM, Physics Department, University of Siena, Via Roma 56, Siena 53100, Italy

Abstract: We report reversible phase transformations in Rb loaded-porous glass irradiated with weak laser light which allow us to realize image storage on it. The effect is due to photo-induced changes of Rb distribution inside the glass pores, where atomic photodetachment and confinement produce either formation or evaporation of Rb nanoclusters. These processes depend on light frequency and intensity making controllable by light the porous glass transparency. We demonstrate that porous glass doped with Rb can be used as a support to record a light pulse for a long time as well as to remember the order of light colors in an illumination sequence.

Giornale/Rivista: OPTICS EXPRESS

Volume: 16 (2)      Da Pagina: 1377  A: 1384

Parole chiavi: Irradiation; Optical recording; Phase transitions; Porous materials; Rubidium; Transparency, Atomic photodetachment; Illumination sequence; Photo-induced changes, Glass, glass; nanomaterial; rubidium, article; chemistry; equipment; equipment design; information retrieval; instrumentation; light; methodology; optics; phase transition; porosity, Equipment Design; Equipment Failure Analysis; Glass; Information Storage and Retrieval; Light; Nanostructures; Optics; Phase Transition; Porosity; Rubidium
DOI: 10.1364/OE.16.001377

Citazioni: 19
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