Generation of widely tunable harmonic pulses in the UV and VUV from a NIR optical parametric amplifier

Anno: 2000

Autori: Bellini M.

Affiliazione autori: L.E.N.S., Europ. Lab. for Non Lin. Spectrosc., Ist. Naz. di Fisica della Materia, Largo E. Fermi, 2, 50125 Florence, Italy

Abstract: We demonstrate the generation of tunable high-order harmonics from the interaction of the signal output of a near-infrared (NIR) traveling-wave optical parametric amplifier (OPA) with the xenon atoms of a pulsed gas jet. By tuning the OPA between 1200 and 1550 nm, we generate widely tunable pulses of ultraviolet radiation up to the ninth harmonic order, around 150 nm. The possibility to cover the VUV region thanks to the full overlap of the tunability ranges of different harmonic orders below 220 nm is also proved.


Volume: 70 (2-6)      Da Pagina: 773  A: 776

Parole chiavi: Ultraviolet; Coherence; Radiation; Region
DOI: 10.1007/PL00021133

Citazioni: 11
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