Surface-plasmon optical-heterodyne clock biosensor

Anno: 2018

Autori: Giorgini A., Avino S., Malara P., Zullo R., De Natale P., Mrkvová K., Homola J., Gagliardi G.

Affiliazione autori: CNR, Ist Nazl Ott, Via Campi Flegrei 34, I-80078 Naples, Italy; CNR, Ist Nazl Ott, Largo E Fermi 6, I-50125 Florence, Italy; Czech Acad Sci, Inst Photon & Elect, Chaberska 57, Prague 18251, Czech Republic.

Abstract: Surface-plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors represent a formidable technology for molecular biology and bioanalytics applications. Here, we devise a new interrogation architecture that transforms a standard SPR chip into an optical-heterodyne clock detector comparable with the best SPR instruments. The key ingredients are (i) the conversion of refractive-index changes on the SPR chip into frequency shifts of an oscillatory electronic signal (ii) a differential probe & reference optical-cavity scheme that cancels out most source/detector noise contributions. A rigorous characterization of the sensor performance with the integration time demonstrates a refractive-index resolution on the 10−8-RIU level over a 1-s timescale using a bare, unstabilized SPR element. A bio-sensing test with a functionalized surface interfaced with a microfluidic flow-cell is carried out, showing detection of streptavidin via covalent bond down to concentrations of 90 fg/mm2.


Volume: 273      Da Pagina: 336  A: 341

Maggiori informazioni: Funding sponsor: College of Natural Resources, University of California Berkeley, CNR. Grantová Agentura Ceské Republiky, GACR, GBP205/12/G118. Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, MIUR, PON01_01525. – The experimental work was partially supported by Italian Ministry for Education and Research (MIUR) with project “MONICA” (PON01_01525), by the P.O.R. Campania FESR 2007-2013 project titled \”BERSAGLI” and by the Czech Science Foundation under contract (# GBP205/12/G118). AG thanks CNR “Short Term Mobility” program that supported his visit at IPE, Prague. J . H. acknowledges support by the Praemium Academiae of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The authors are indebted with Luciano De Petrocellis (CNR-ICB) for his precious advices. The authors thank G. Notariale (CNR-INO) for assistance on the electronic equipment. Appendix A
Parole chiavi: Clocks; Heterodyne detection; Molecular biology; Optical frequency conversion; Optical resonators; Plasmons; Proteins; Refractive index; Surface plasmon resonance, Biosensing; Differential probes; Electronic signals; Functionalized surfaces; Microfluidic flow cell; Noise contributions; Refractive index changes; Surface plasmon resonance sensor, Optical heterodyning
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2018.06.028

Citazioni: 10
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