Compositional dependence of optical properties of zirconium, hafnium and tantalum carbides for solar absorber applications

Anno: 2016

Autori: Sani E., Mercatelli L., Meucci M., Balbo A., Silvestroni L., Sciti D.

Affiliazione autori: CNR-INO National Institute of Optics, Largo E. Fermi, 6, I-50125 Firenze, Italy;
Corrosion and Metallurgy Study Centre ‘‘Aldo Dacco` ”, Engineering Department, University of Ferrara, G. Saragat 1, Ferrara 44122, Italy;
CNR-ISTEC, Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, Via Granarolo 64, I-48018 Faenza, Italy

Abstract: Besides ultra-refractoriness and favorable mechanical and chemical characteristics, carbides of early transition metals show intrinsic spectral selectivity, making them appealing for high-temperature solar absorber applications. However these kinds of ceramics can be produced using many processing methods resulting in different compositions, density and surface finishing. Thus the present work reports on the systematic study of microstructural, mechanical and optical properties of dense zirconium, hafnium and tantalum carbides as a function of the sintering method (high pressure or pressureless), implying use of 10 or 20 vol% of MoSi2 as sintering aid. The spectral hemispherical reflectance of Zr-, Hf- and Ta-carbides has been measured in the 0.25-16.5 mu m wavelength range and correlated to the surface microstructure and roughness. Room and high temperature fracture strength has been measured as well. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Giornale/Rivista: SOLAR ENERGY

Volume: 131      Da Pagina: 199  A: 207

Maggiori informazioni: Part of this activity has been carried out in the framework of the FIRB2012-SUPERSOLAR project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (Programma “Futuro in Ricerca”, prot. RBFR12TIT1). E.S. gratefully acknowledges the Italian bank foundation “Fondazione Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze” for providing the grant for M.M. within the framework of the “SOLE” and “SOLE-2” projects (pratiche n. 2013.0726 and 2014.0711). Thanks are due to Mr. M. D’Uva and Mr. M. Pucci (CNR-INO) for technical assistance.
Parole chiavi: Carbides; Ceramic materials; Finishing; Fracture toughness; Hafnium; High temperature applications; Optical properties; Sintering; Solar energy; Tantalum; Tantalum carbide; Transition metals, Chemical characteristic; Compositional dependence; Concentrating solar power; Early transition metals; Hemispherical reflectance; Room and high temperatures; Solar plant; Ultra-high-temperature ceramics, Solar absorbers, absorbance; ceramics; hafnium; high temperature; microstructure; optical property; power plant; roughness; solar power; tantalum; temperature effect; wavelength; zirconium
DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2016.02.045

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