Electrohydrodynamic dispenser for delivering multiphase samples at nanoscale

Anno: 2015

Autori: Coppola S., Vespini V., Merola F., Paturzo M., Miccio L., Gennari O., Grilli S., Ferraro P.

Affiliazione autori: INO – CNR Via Campi Flegrei 34, 80078, Pozzuoli, NA, Italy

Abstract: Manipulation of liquids on micro- and nanoscale is a key issue in many fields of technology and biotechnology. Electric field induced formation of microliter and nanoliter droplets is very useful in lab-on-chip applications and would represent a new and contact-less way for functionalizing smart materials [1–3]. Ink-jet printing, manipulation of biomolecules, deposition of inorganic, organic and biological inks [4, 5], dispensing of small amounts of material into well-defined areas would be a further possibility for functionalizing sensing area for lab-on-a-fiber devices and related applications.


Parole chiavi: dispensing on demand; delivering; multiphase materials