Doppler-free spectroscopy using magnetically induced dichroism of atomic vapor: a new scheme for laser frequency locking

Anno: 2003

Autori: Petelski T., Fattori M., Stuhler J., Lamporesi G., Tino G.M.

Affiliazione autori: Dipartimento di Fisica, LENS – Università di Firenze; INFN – Sezione di Firenze,
Polo Scientifico dell’Universita’ di Firenze, Via Sansone 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy

Abstract: We demonstrate a Doppler-free spectroscopic method that we test on Rb-87 and Rb-85 vapor. By using a magnetic field to induce a dichroism on the sample, we generate a dispersive signal with low background, which allows us to lock a diode laser even on small spectroscopic features. We elaborate the advantages of this simple and easy method by comparing it to other methods.


Volume: 22 (2)      Da Pagina: 279  A: 283

Parole chiavi: Doppler-free spectroscopy; laser locking;
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2002-00238-4

Citazioni: 70
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