Time-resolved anisotropic multiple light scattering in nematic liquid crystals

Anno: 1999

Autori: Wiersma D., Muzzi, A., Colocci M., Righini R

Affiliazione autori: European Laboratory for non-Linear Spectroscopy, Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Largo E. Fermi 2 (Arcetri), Florence, 50125, Italy

Abstract: Anisotropic multiple scattering of light is studied in monodomain nematic liquid crystals. In particular, the anisotropy of the diffusion constant is observed in time-resolved experiments. It is discussed how dynamic vs static experiments probe different properties: static experiments reveal the average step length of the random walk (transport mean free path), while dynamic experiments give the time evolution of the diffusion process (diffusion constant). For the time-resolved data, good agreement is found with (anisotropic) diffusion theory.


Volume: 83 (21)      Da Pagina: 4321  A: 4324

Parole chiavi: weak localization; random-media; coherent backscattering; intensity correlation; internal-reflection
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.83.4321

Citazioni: 53
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