Transmission properties of a sodium-filled Fabry-Perot

Anno: 1986

Autori: Giusfredi G., Cecchi S., Petriella E., Salieri P., Arecchi F.T.

Affiliazione autori: Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO)

Abstract: We report on systematic studies of the statistic and dynamic behavior of intensity and polarization of the light transmitted by sodium-filled Fabry-Perot cavity. The device displays a rich variety of phenomena including optical bistability tristability pitchfork bifurcation, as well as intrinsic oscillations. The behavior can be traced back to the simultaneous presence of Zeeman pumping and hyperfine pumping in the sodium ground state, combined with velocity selective hole burning effects.


Volume: 667      Da Pagina: 68  A: 76

Parole chiavi: bistability; tristability; multistability; instability;