On the breaking of a plasma wave in a thermal plasma. II. Electromagnetic wave interaction with the breaking plasma wave

Anno: 2012

Autori: Bulanov Sergei V.; Esirkepov Timur Zh.; Kando Masaki; Koga James K.; Pirozhkov Alexander S.; Nakamura Tatsufumi; Bulanov Stepan S.; Schroeder Carl B.; Esarey Eric; Califano Francesco; Pegoraro Francesco

Affiliazione autori: Japan Atom Energy Agcy; Univ Calif Berkeley; Univ Pisa; RAS; Inst Theoret & Expt Phys

Abstract: In thermal plasma, the structure of the density singularity formed in a relativistically large amplitude plasma wave close to the wavebreaking limit leads to a refraction coefficient with discontinuous spatial derivatives. This results in a non-exponentially small above-barrier reflection of an electromagnetic wave interacting with the nonlinear plasma wave. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4764056]

Giornale/Rivista: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS

Volume: 19 (11)      Da Pagina:   A:

Parole chiavi: nonlinear plasma waves
DOI: 10.1063/1.4764056