IndietroAutore: Martone Giovanni Italo 1) Dynamics of Stripe Patterns in Supersolid Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose Gases in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Geier KT., Martone GI., Hauke P., Ketterle W., Stringari S. Anno: 2023 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.156001)
2) Exciting the Goldstone Modes of a Supersolid Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose Gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Geier K.T., Martone G.I., Hauke P., Stringari S. Anno: 2021 (Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.115301)
3) Supersolidity of cnoidal waves in an ultracold Bose gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHDi: Martone G.I.; Recati A.; Pavloff N. Anno: 2021 (Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.013143)
4) Supersolid phase of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate: A perturbation approach in SCIPOST PHYSICSDi: Martone G.I.; Stringari S. Anno: 2021 (Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.11.5.092)
5) Optical-lattice-assisted magnetic phase transition in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in PHYSICAL REVIEW ADi: Martone GI., Ozawa T., Qu CL., Stringari S. Anno: 2016 (Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.94.043629)
6) Tricriticalities and Quantum Phases in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Spin-1 Bose Gases in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Martone GI., Pepe FV., Facchi P., Pascazio S., Stringari S. Anno: 2016 (Cit.: 69 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.125301)
7) Visibility and stability of superstripes in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICSDi: Martone GI. Anno: 2015 (Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2015-02386-x)
8) Approach for making visible and stable stripes in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein superfluid in PHYSICAL REVIEW ADi: Martone G.I., Li Y., Stringari S. Anno: 2014 (Cit.: 59 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.041604)
9) Superstripes and the Excitation Spectrum of a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Li Y., Martone G.I., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Anno: 2013 (Cit.: 194 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.235302)
10) Sum rules, dipole oscillation and spin polarizability of a spin-orbit coupled quantum gas in EUROPHYSICS LETTERSDi: Li Y., Martone G.I., Stringari S. Anno: 2012 (Cit.: 61 DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/99/56008)
11) Anisotropic dynamics of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in PHYSICAL REVIEW ADi: Martone GI., Li Y., Pitaevskii LP., Stringari S. Anno: 2012 (Cit.: 132 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.063621)