2) Increasing Quantum Degeneracy by Heating a Superfluid in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Papoular D.J., Ferrari G., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Anno: 2012 (IF.: 7.943 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.084501)
3) Quantum Tricriticality and Phase Transitions in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Li Y., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Anno: 2012 (IF.: 7.943 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.225301)
4) Superstripes and the Excitation Spectrum of a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Li Y., Martone G.I., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Anno: 2013 (IF.: 7.728 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.235302)
5) Collective Modes in a Unitary Fermi Gas across the Superfluid Phase Transition in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Tey M.K., Sidorenkov L.A., Sánchez Guajardo E.R., Grimm R., Ku M.J.H., Zwierlein M.W., Hou Y.-H., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Anno: 2013 (IF.: 7.728 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.055303)
6) First and Second Sound in Cylindrically Trapped Gases in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Bertaina G., Pitaevskii L., Stringari S. Anno: 2010 (IF.: 7.622 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.150402)
7) Observation of Solitonic Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Donadello S., Serafini S., Tylutki M., Pitaevskii L.P., Dalfovo F., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Anno: 2014 (IF.: 7.512 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.065302)
8) Fast Thermalization and Helmholtz Oscillations of an Ultracold Bose Gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Papoular D. J., Pitaevskii L. P., Stringari S. Anno: 2014 (IF.: 7.512 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.170601)
9) New asymptotic behavior of the surface-atom force out of thermal equilibrium in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Antezza M., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Anno: 2005 (IF.: 7.489 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.113202)
10) Sensitive measurement of forces at the micron scale using bloch oscillations of ultracold atoms in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Carusotto I., Pitaevskii L., Stringari S., Modugno G., Inguscio M. Anno: 2005 (IF.: 7.489 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.093202)