Measurement of the 23P0-23P1 helium fine structure interval

Anno: 1998

Autori: Minardi F., Bianchini G., Busoni S., Cancio P., Giusfredi G., Pavone F.S., Inguscio M.

Affiliazione autori: European Lab for Non-linear, Spectroscopy (LENS), Firenze, Italy

Abstract: In this paper we describe a measurement of the Helium 2 3P0-23P1 interval, obtained from a full optical approach in an atomic beam of metastable He. Direct frequency determination and control of systematic effects leads to an accuracy of 3 kHz. By comparison with a precise atomic theory, a 50 ppb accurate determination of the fine structure constant a will be possible.

Titolo Convegno:

Parole chiavi: Atomic beams; Helium, Fine structure interval measurements, Magnetic variables measurement
DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.1998.700112