Measurement of upper level lifetime in presence of radiation trapping: A revisitation of the pinhole method

Anno: 2012

Autori: Toci G., Pirri A., Alderighi D., Vannini M.

Affiliazione autori: Istituto di Fisica Applicata Nello Carrara, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, IFAC-CNR, Via Madonna del Piano 10 C, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy

Abstract: In this work we expose a recently developed theoretical model for the analysis of the measurements obtained with the so-called pinhole method, for the determination of the upper level lifetime in materials where the superimposition between fluorescence and absorption spectra determines significant radiation trapping effect. Under fairly general conditions the fluorescence decay curve after a pulsed excitation of the sample obtained with this experimental set-up can be conveniently described by a double exponential functional form. The faster of the two decay times is close to the intrinsic fluorescence lifetime, with a difference that can be calculated with geometrical considerations. The theoretical results were tested with a suitably designed experiment, where the upper level lifetime of the laser transition of some Yb doped samples were investigated, obtaining results that are consistent with literature data and in good agreement with the theoretical results as for the temporal dependence of the fluorescence decay.

Giornale/Rivista: LASER PHYSICS

Volume: 22 (12)      Da Pagina: 1787  A: 1792

Maggiori informazioni: This research has been partially supported by the project \”CTOTUS-Progetto integrato per lo sviluppo della Capacita Tecnologica e Operativa della Toscana per l\’Utilizzo dello Spazio\” funded by Regione Toscana under the program \”POR FESR, 2007-2013 Attivita\’ 1.1 Linee d\’intervento D,\” and by the project IFAC-RSTLCNR (Ricerca Spontanea a Tema Libero) number 959: \”Nuovi promettenti mezzi attivi drogati ad Ytterbio per laser tunabili nel vicino infrarosso\”.
Parole chiavi: Decay time; Designed experiments; Double exponential; Fluorescence decays; Functional forms; Geometrical considerations; Intrinsic fluorescence; Laser transition; Literature data; Pulsed excitation; Radiation trapping; Re visitations; Temporal dependence; Theoretical models; Theoretical result; Yb-doped, Radiation, Fluorescence
DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X12120262

Citazioni: 2
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