On the stability of hole crystals in layered cuprates

Anno: 2004

Autori: Rastelli G., Fratini S., Quymerais P.

Affiliazione autori: Universita degli Studi dell´Aquila; CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Abstract: Recent STM measurements have revealed the existence of periodic charge modulations at the surface of certain cuprate superconductors. Here we show that the observed patterns are compatible with the formation of a three-dimensional crystal of doped holes, with space correlations extending between different Cu-O layers. This puts severe constraints on the dynamical stability of the crystallised hole structure, resulting in a close relationship between the periodicity of the electronic modulation and the interlayer distance.


Volume: 42 (3)      Da Pagina: 305  A: 308

Parole chiavi: wigner crystal, electronic lattices
DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2004-00385-4

Citazioni: 4
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