Direct Comb Vernier Spectroscopy for Fractional Isotopic Ratio Determinations

Anno: 2021

Autori: Siciliani de Cumis M., Eramo R., Jiang J., Fermann M.E., Pastor P.C.

Affiliazione autori: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Contrada Terlecchia SNC, I-75100 Matera, Italy; INO CNR, Ist Nazl Ott, Via N Carrara 1, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy; Univ Firenze, Dipartimento Fis, Via G Sansone 1, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy; IMRA Amer Inc, 1044 Woodridge Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA.

Abstract: Accurate isotopic composition analysis of the greenhouse-gasses emitted in the atmosphere is an important step to mitigate global climate warnings. Optical frequency comb-based spectroscopic techniques have shown ideal performance to accomplish the simultaneous monitoring of the different isotope substituted species of such gases. The capabilities of one such technique, namely, direct comb Vernier spectroscopy, to determine the fractional isotopic ratio composition are discussed. This technique combines interferometric filtering of the comb source in a Fabry-Perot that contains the sample gas, with a high resolution dispersion spectrometer to resolve the spectral content of each interacting frequency inside of the Fabry-Perot. Following this methodology, simultaneous spectra of ro-vibrational transitions of (CO2)-C-12-O-16 and (CO2)-C-13-O-16 molecules are recorded and analyzed with an accurate fitting procedure. Fractional isotopic ratio C-13/C-12 at 3% of precision is measured for a sample of CO2 gas, showing the potentialities of the technique for all isotopic-related applications of this important pollutant.

Giornale/Rivista: SENSORS

Volume: 21 (17)      Da Pagina: 5883-1  A: 5883-12

Maggiori informazioni: This research was funded by the project Extreme Light Infrastructure-Italy (ELI-Italy) and by the QOMBS project (FET Flagship on Quantum Technologies grant No. 820419).
Parole chiavi: isotopic ratio; frequency comb; Vernier spectroscopy
DOI: 10.3390/s21175883

Citazioni: 1
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2025-02-02
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