The free Online Training on Use of ultraviolet radiation for the suppression of airborne viral disease spread is postponed to Monday, December 18th, at 10.30. The […]
Mercoledì 20 dicembre (h15.30), il direttore Francesco Saverio Cataliotti introdurrà le Christmas lecture di quest’anno: un programma vario che affronterà argomenti di grande attualità e curiosità. […]
In a recent publication on Optics Express (, a compact handheld device, based on Short Wave IR Digital Holography, was tested, in a real fire scenario, […]
CNR-INO organises a free Online Training on IR Digital Holography applications: “Vision through smoke and flames” and “Remote monitoring of buildings”. The training will be held […]
CNR-INO organises a free Online Training on Use of ultraviolet radiation for the suppression of airborne viral disease spread. The training will be held on December […]
ll collega e amico Maurizio De Rosa, persona speciale e ricercatore brillante, ci ha lasciato prematuramente pochi mesi fa. La sua scomparsa lascia un vuoto […]