Metasurface Reconfiguration through Lithium-Ion Intercalation in a Transition Metal Oxide

Year: 2017

Authors: Zanotto S., Blancato A., Buchheit A., Munoz-Castro M., Wiemhofer HD., Morichetti F., Melloni A.

Autors Affiliation: ‎Politecn Milan, Dipartimento Elettron Informaz & Bioingn, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, I-20133 Milan, Italy;‎ Univ Munster, Inst Inorgan & Analyt Chem, Corrensstr 28-30, D-48149 Munster, Germany;‎ Univ Munster, Inst Mat Phys, Wilhelm Klemm Str 10, D-48149 Munster, Germany;‎ Ist Nazl Ottica, Consiglio Nazl Ric, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy; Univ Florence, LENS, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy

Abstract: Tuning the phase and amplitude response of achiral and chiral metasurfaces is a key operation in optical science and technology, since it lies at the heart of devices like wavefront shapers, beam steerers, and many others. The concept of ion intercalation is bridged from the domain of electrochemistry to that of photonics, paving the way for a new class of reconfigurable optical devices.


Volume: 5 (2)      Pages from: 1600732-1  to: 1600732-6

More Information: S.Z. conceived the experiment, designed the sample, performed the nanofabrication, and analyzed the data. S.Z., A.Bl., and A.Bu. performed the optical measurements. M.M.-C. prepared the electrochromic oxide film and performed the electrochemical processes. H.-D.W., F.M., and A.M. supervised the study. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the manuscript preparation. The authors thank Claudio Somaschini and Giosue Iseni in staff of Polifab at Politecnico di Milano for the support in the fabrication of the devices, Marcus Bernemann for performing AFM measurements, Amos Egel for the precious suggestions about electromagnetic simulation, and D.S. Wiersma for useful discussions. This work was (partially) performed at Polifab, the micro- and nanofabrication facility of Politecnico di Milano. The work was supported by the European Commission through the BBOI project, FP7 323734.
KeyWords: Vanadium-oxide; Thin-films; Phase; Fabrication
DOI: 10.1002/adom.201600732

Citations: 26
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