Temperature dependence of self broadening of ammonia transitions in the NU(2) band

Anno: 1995

Autori: Baldacchini G., Buffa G., Ciucci A., D’Amato F., Tarrini O.

Affiliazione autori: ENEA, Dipartimento INN, Settore Fisica Applicata, C.P. 65, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa, Piazza Torricelli 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy

Abstract: Self broadening coefficients have been measured as a function of temperature from 192 to 377 K for five transition lines of the nu(2) band of ammonia at similar to 937 cm(-1). The results have been compared with theoretical calculations performed in the semiclassical impact approximation, and although one hot transition does not fit well in this scheme, there is in general a fairly good agreement. Moreover there is also an experimental and theoretical evidence against the commonly assumed power law for the temperature dependence. More measurements are needed to clarify the position of the hot transitions in this respect and to verify the extent of validity of the power law in general.


Volume: 53 (6)      Da Pagina: 671  A: 680

Maggiori informazioni: -We are indebted to Dr M. De Rosa for his contribution in the last stage of this work. Many thanks are due to A. Bellatreccia, P. Cardoni, and R. Giovagnoli for their skillful technical assistance. This work has been supported by an ENEA-INFM fellowship to one (A.C.) of the authors.
Parole chiavi: Sel-broadening; nh3; temperature dependence
DOI: 10.1016/0022-4073(95)00034-I

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