Hitting Bose-Einstein condensates with a comb: evolution of interference patterns inside a magnetic trap

Anno: 2003

Autori: Mueller J.H., Morsch O., Cristiani M., Ciampini D., Arimondo E.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Pisa, INFM, Dipartimento Fis E Fermi, I-56127 Pisa, Italy

Abstract: We study the evolution inside a harmonic trap of Bose-Einstein condensates released from the periodic potential of an optical lattice. After a time-of-flight, harmonic motion of the interference peaks is observed as well as a breathing motion in the direction perpendicular to the optical lattice. We interpret these results in terms of a simple physical model and discuss the possibility of more detailed studies of such a system.


Volume: 5 (2)      Da Pagina: S38  A: S41

Parole chiavi: Bose-Einstein condensation; Optical lattices;

Citazioni: 7
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2024-05-12
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