Manipulation of ultracold atomic mixtures using microwave techniques

Anno: 2006

Autori: Ciampini D., Courtade E., Sias C., Cossart D., Carelli G., Mango F., Morsch O., Arimondo E.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Pisa, INFM, Dipartimento Fis E Fermi, I-56127 Pisa, Italy

Abstract: We used microwave radiation to evaporatively cool a mixture of of Cs-133 and Rb-87 atoms in a magnetic trap. A mixture composed of an equal number (around 10(4)) of Rb and Cs atoms in their doubly polarized states at ultracold temperatures was prepared. We also used microwaves to selectively evaporate atoms in different Zeeman states. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Volume: 257 (2)      Da Pagina: 340  A: 348

Parole chiavi: Ultra-cold atoms
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2005.07.051

Citazioni: 3
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