High tunability, high beam quality CO2 laser with SFUR cavity and beam expander

Anno: 1990

Autori: D’Amato F., Giorgi M., Marchetti S.

Affiliazione autori: ENEA, Dip. TIB U.S. Fisica Applicata, Centro Ricerche Energia Frascati, C.P. 65, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy; IFAM-CNR,
Via del Giardino 7, 56100 Piss. Italy

Abstract: The performances of the multi-atmosphere transverse excitation CO2 laser can be significantly improved by using a new design SFUR (self filtering unstable resonator) cavity, modified in order to have continuous tunability. In this work, a beam expander is used as a zoom to match the plane grating to the appropriate SFUR focal length, with a suitable expansion to avoid grating damages. The theory and results of our solution are described.


Volume: 76 (2)      Da Pagina: 121  A: 126

Parole chiavi: Optical Gratings; Beam Expander; Continuously Tunable Laser; Self-Filtering Unstable Resonator Cavity; Lasers, Carbon Dioxide
DOI: 10.1016/0030-4018(90)90305-D

Citazioni: 1
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