A simple system of thermal control and frequency stabilization of solitary diode lasers

Anno: 2000

Autori: Andreoni E., Xu JH., Cartaleva S., Celli RM., Mango F., Gozzini S.

Affiliazione autori: I.N.F.M. and Sc. Normale Superiore, P.zza dei Cavalieri, 7, 56100 Pisa, Italy; I.N.F.M. U.dR. Pisa, Physics Department, Via Buonarroti, 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy; IFAM, Area di Ricerca C.N.R., Via Alfieri, 1, 56126 Pisa, Italy

Abstract: A temperature controller using the photodiode of a free-running laser as a heater element is described. Its use can improve substantially the stabilization on a spectroscopic line and avoids the need of sink temperature controller at the millidegrees kelvin level. The long term stability of the system has been tested in performing a detailed study of the splitting of the dark lines in rubidium vapors. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0034-6748(00)05810-X].


Volume: 71 (10)      Da Pagina: 3648  A: 3652

Parole chiavi: diode lasers; spectroscopy;
DOI: 10.1063/1.1310351

Citazioni: 4
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