13CH3OH and 13CD3OH Optically Pumped FIR Laser: New Large Offset Emission and Optoacoustic Spectroscopy

Anno: 1986

Autori: Ioli N., Moretti A., Strumia F., D’Amato F.

Affiliazione autori: Dipartimento di Fisica dell

Abstract: 27 new, large offset, FIR laser lines from 13CH3OH and one from 13CD3OH have been discovered by pumping with a high tunability waveguide CW CO2 laser. Optoacoustic measurements of isotopic methyl alcohol have also been performed and the pump offsets of the new and of previously known lines have been measured and checked. Frequency tunability by Stark effect has been observed for 6 strong lines. Some assignments are discussed.


Volume: 7 (3)      Da Pagina: 459  A: 486

Parole chiavi: 13CD3OH; 13CH3OH; Far-infrared Laser Lines; Molecular Spectroscopy; Spectroscopy acoustic, application; Spectroscopy emission, application; Dipole moment; Frequency tunability; Isotopic methyl alcohol; Stark effect; Lasers
DOI: 10.1007/BF01010861

Citazioni: 30
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