Wide-band transmission of nondistorted slow waves in one-dimensional optical superlattices

Anno: 2006

Autori: Ghulinyan M., Galli M., Toninelli C, Bertolotti J., Gottardo S., Marabelli F., Wiersma D., Pavesi L., Andreani LC.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Trent, Dept Phys, I-38050 Trento, Italy; Univ Pavia, Dept Phys A Volta, I-27100 Pavia, Italy;
European Lab Nonlinear Spectroscopy, I-50019 Florence, Italy;
INFM MATIS, I-50019 Florence, Italy

Abstract: Few micron-thick one-dimensional optical superlattices were designed and grown, in which an optimized choice of external dielectric layers allows the formation of a wide and high transmission miniband of coupled cavity states. In such structures a reduction in light group velocity and minimal line shape distortion of propagating optical signal was observed. Group velocity reduction by a factor of 5, obtained both from phase (white-light interferometry) and from time-resolved measurements, is in reasonably good agreement with those calculated through a transfer matrix approach. Time-resolved experiments confirm the minimal line shape distortion for optical pulses of 1.8 THz bandwidth at lambda=1.5 mu m wavelength.


Volume: 88 (24)      Da Pagina: 241103-1  A: 241103-3

Parole chiavi: light; guides;
DOI: 10.1063/1.2209716

Citazioni: 24
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