Near-field mapping of quantum dot emission from single-photonic crystal cavity modes

Anno: 2008

Autori: Intonti F., Vignolini S., Riboli F., Vinattieri A., Wiersma D., Colocci M., Gurioli M., Balet L., Monat C., Li LH., Le Thomas N., Houdre R., Fiore A., Francardi M., Gerardino A., Roemer F., Witzigmann B.

Affiliazione autori: LENS European Lab Nonlinear Spectroscopy, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Fi, Italy;
Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Inst Photon & Quantum Elect, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland;
CNR, Inst Photon & Nanotechnol, I-00156 Rome, Italy;
ETH, Integrated Syst Lab, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract: We directly investigate, by means of near-field spectroscopy, the spatial distribution of the optical cavity modes of 2D photonic crystal microcavities. Numerical simulations confirm that the photoluminescence maps of quantum dots embedded in the photonic structure qualitatively match the spatial modulation of the electric field intensity. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Volume: 40 (6)      Da Pagina: 1965  A: 1967

Parole chiavi: quantum dots; near-field spectroscopy; photonic crystals; microcavities;
DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2007.09.086

Citazioni: 4
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