Temperature-tunable random lasing: numerical calculations and experiments

Anno: 2004

Autori: Mujumdar S., Cavalieri S., Wiersma D.

Affiliazione autori: European Lab. Non-Linear Spectrosc., Via Nello Carrara 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), Italy; Department of Physics, Natl. Inst. for the Phys. of Matter, University of Florence, Via Sansone 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), Italy

Abstract: We report numerical studies on temperature-tunable, multiple-scattering media with gain. We describe Monte Carlo simulations that model the behavior of such a system through a three-dimensional random walk of light in a temperature-dependent disordered medium with amplification. We compare the results of our model with previous experimental results on a disordered dielectric for which the scattering strength could be tuned by changing the external temperature. The agreement between the numerical and experimental results enables us to predict the spectral features of the emission from the tunable random laser under various conditions. Results obtained from new, experimental data are consistent with the predictions of the simulations.


Volume: 21 (1)      Da Pagina: 201  A: 207

Parole chiavi: Weak localization; Scattering medium; Random lasers; Fluctuations; Amplification; Calculations; Computer simulation; Laser tuning; Light scattering; Mathematical models; Monte Carlo methods; Thermal effects, Multiple-scattering media; Temperature-tunable random lasing; Laser pulses
DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.21.000201

Citazioni: 33
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