Design and mathematical modelling of the space-borne far-infrared Fourier transform spectrometer for REFIR experiment

Anno: 1999

Autori: Palchetti L., Barbis A., Harries J.E., Lastrucci D.

Affiliazione autori: Ist. Ric. sulle Onde E., Via Panciatichi 64, I-50127 Florence, Italy; Alenia Difesa, Officine Galileo Unit, Space Division, Via Einstein 35, I-50013 Campi Bisenzio, Italy; Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, ICSTM, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ, United Kingdom

Abstract: A far infrared Fourier spectrometer named REFIR (Radiation explorer in the far infrared) has been designed for space-borne observations of the atmospheric radiance in the broad spectral range 100-1000 cm-1. The requirements are discussed and the adopted instrumental configuration is presented. The variability of the source and the narrow frequency bandwidth of the detectors as well as some novel features of the selected configuration require some dedicated analysis for the establishment of the instrument performances which are herewith described.


Volume: 40 (5)      Da Pagina: 367  A: 377

Maggiori informazioni: This work is part of the feasibility study of the REFIR instrument supported by D.G. XII of the European Commission under contract ENV4-CT96-0344. The authors wish to thank Prof. J. Leotin and Dr. D. Smirnov for providing information about detectors.
Parole chiavi: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Infrared detectors; Infrared spectrometers; Light polarization; Mathematical models, Spaceborne far infrared Fourier spectrometer, Fourier optics
DOI: 10.1016/S1350-4495(99)00026-2

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